Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Soaked bunk area -- leaking water from recent rains...

Ok.. To fix this will be a future series I'm sure.. I noticed this morning a fairly frequent dripping coming from a few holes in the bottom of the bunk area on the drivers side. After talking with Ramon, he suggested pulling up some of the panelling up in the bunk area to see what was underneath -- that sounded good since we're supposed to be heading to Oregon tomorrow.. I think some of the water was coming in from a scrunched end-cap on the passenger side (fiberglass in this case) -- in doing some caulking I found a missing screw on the drivers-front end-cap over the bunk area -- now sealed up with caulking -- until I can properly fix it. We also re-sealed some of the end-caps on the front bunk area (my sister-in-law and I) and will do the same on the vertical end-caps on the rear of the rig tomorrow AM. By the way.. the rear window is now installed and sealed up..

In the picture below, notice the decayed wood on the passenger side front edge

In this last photo notice the puddle of water -- this is on the drivers side. We mopped up about a cup or perhaps a little more of dirty water.. We've been stuffing paper towels up there which eventually get saturated with water and we toss and put more down.. So far we've done this about 6 times.. The water is apparently still weeping out of the soaked wood.. At least it shouldn't slosh around when we drive.. When we get home after Thanksgiving, I can open it up and do the appropriate repairs.

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen paints peeling from your wall and molds that have grown from moist areas? This means that you have leaks in your house that has been caused by heavy rains. Don't wait for the water to run down to every area of your house that will leave stains and will damage your appliances and fixtures. Grab your phone now and call Rain Leak Repair LA; the best there is in the market that has skilled professionals that are more knowledgeable on how to repair the leak.
